
X-rays use beams of high-frequency energy to create images of internal organs and bones. The X-rays are absorbed differently by different tissues based on their density. This creates an X-ray image, which a radiologist or other medical professionals can use to diagnose various medical conditions, such as fractures, lung infections, or other potential problems.

Visit Healthify for more information.

What to expect


You need a referral from your health professional to have a general X-Ray.

There is no specific preparation prior to undergoing an X-ray scan.

For all Immigration-related X-Rays, ensure that you have all the requirements with you before coming to our clinic. 

Mercy Radiology offers a walk-in service or you can book via our simple online booking system.


In general, you undress whatever part of your body needs examination.  You may be asked to wear a gown during the exam, depending on which area is being X-rayed.  You may also be asked to remove jewelery, eyeglasses, and any metal objects that can show up on the X-ray.

Once you are fully prepared, your X-ray technician will tell you how to position your body to create clear images.  

It is important to stay still while the images are being taken.  This will provide the clearest images possible.


After the examination, you are able to resume your normal activities. 

Results of your scan will be sent to your doctor as soon as possible. You can request a copy of your results as well.


Due to the low radiation doses we use for X-rays, the health risk from exposure to medical radiation is generally outweighed by the benefit to the patient. X-ray exams are usually not endorsed for pregnant patients but may be required. Speak to your referrer and the Medical Imaging Technologist.​

Book an X-Ray


Can I get a copy of my report?

What are the requirements and your locations for Immigration X-Ray?

A Referral from an NZ Immigration panel physician is required for Immigration-related X-rays. Ensure that you have all the requirements with you before coming to our clinic.  For more information, visithttps://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/tools-and-information/medical-info/getting-an-x-ray-or-medical-examination

We accept walk-ins or you can book via our simple online booking system.

New Zealand Immigration-related X-rays are available in CityMed, Westgate, Northcare, Warkworth, Silverdale, Takapuna, St Lukes, Pakuranga.

Our Rosedale and CityMed accept both Australian and USA Immigration X-rays.

For USA Visa X-rays, you must see a panel physician first at the CityMed Doctors. A CEAC number will be issued to you by the panel physician if your application is lodged online. This CEAC number is required at the time of your X-ray. If your application is lodged on paper forms, please bring all the paper documents along with your passport and referral.

For Papua New Guinea, this can be done at any of our sites but may require a radiologist to sign a hard copy form. If this is the case, checking that a radiologist is on-site during your visit is best. Please ensure you bring the doctor’s referral, your passport and the document for our Radiologist to sign.



How safe are X-Rays?

Radiation doses provided by diagnostic radiology are usually very small. This risk must be balanced against the benefits for each patient. These benefits can include finding potentially serious diseases, like cancer, at an early stage when they can be cured or controlled, or diagnosis of medical problems that if left untreated could cause serious illness or disease. Diagnostic tests can also show there are no potentially serious causes of a symptom, which can give reassurance. Every X-Ray should be assessed in terms of its expected benefits to the patient.

Do you charge for ACC x-ray requests?

Yes, there is a minimal surcharge on x-rays funded by ACC with Mercy Radiology.  Please view pricing at the button of this page.

Do you have to book for an x-ray?

All branches offer this service on a walk-in basis. We understand you may be coming in to have this done during your lunch break or you have scheduled appointments around having this done, if so, book online to secure an appointment. Click here to view our branch opening hours.


ACC: $40 surcharge.

Community Services Card: There is no ACC surcharge for Community Service Card (CSC) holders and their dependents (aged 17 years and under). Card must be presented to reception staff.

Private / Insurance: For an estimate of cost, please phone 0800 497 297 or email customercare@radiology.co.nz with a copy of your referral.