What to expect
You need a referral from your doctor to be able to book an appointment for this scan.
When you make an appointment for your scan you will be advised as to whether you require any specific preparation and we will go through the process with you then.
As a general guide you will be advised to not eat anything two hours prior to your appointment if you are required to have Contrast. Contrast is a colourless fluid that is injected at the time of your scan to improve the definition of the images.
For abdominal examinations you may also be required to drink water before your scan.
All patients will be asked to present 10 minutes prior to their appointment time as you may need to complete a questionnaire.
The actual scan time is very short, usually only a matter of seconds. However, depending on your scan type, your appointment time may take 60 minutes to complete. You may be required to complete a questionnaire.
Your radiographer will guide you through the whole process and obtain your consent. For some examinations, you may be asked to change into a gown and remove metallic objects such as jewellery and hearing aids.
The CT radiographer, trained in the use of X-ray equipment and CT scanning, will position you on the bed and take care of you throughout the scan. The Radiographer will need to leave the scan room briefly while it is in progress but will be in touch with you through an intercom and a viewing window.
It is essential that you keep still while the scan takes place. If you have difficulty lying flat, have poorly controlled pain or suffer from claustrophobia, please discuss this with us before your scan.
If you need Contrast for your scan, it is given through a small needle placed in your vein. Injection of Contrast may give you a brief sensation of warmth throughout the body and maybe a metallic taste in your mouth. These sensations are expected and normal and are of no cause for concern.
After the examination, you can resume your normal activities.
The results of your scan will be sent to your doctor as soon as possible. You can also request a copy of your results.