InteleRad PACS offers fast online delivery of digital radiology images direct to your practice desktop or wireless laptop. Access is made available to registered medical  and allied health professionals for the purposes of aiding in patient management and treatment. It's simple, fast, secure and efficient.

Mercy Radiology is dedicated to ensuring our referrers receive training prior to using our imaging software. Download Inteleviewer by following the Setup Instructions below or at no charge a Mercy Radiology IT Specialist can come directly to install and offer a quick training session. 


Please contact Michael to arrange an installation time that suits you on 09 623 5850 or 021 505 274  or email on [email protected].

Each registered user has signed a confidentiality statement agreeing that access will only be made to those patients in their care, and regular audits are made to ensure standards are being upheld.

Should your patient request that their images and results not be made accessible to medical staff, aside from Mercy Radiology, we can have their records removed from our system on a case-by-case basis.

Removing their examination does mean that in the case of an emergency, or should the patient be referred on to another GP or specialist, the images will not be available to them online. Questions? Please feel free to contact us.

Referrer online support

If you are having any computer problems and need assistance, please contact Michael on 09-623-5850. Click on the Team Viewer link below and remote assistance can help resolve any computer issues you may have.


Download TeamViewer for MAC  Download TeamViewer for Windows


Alternatively you can access images /reports through our web based portal InteleConnect by clicking the link below


InteleConnect  User Guide