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Auckland is currently under alert level 2. The remainder of New Zealand is under alert level 1.


Mercy Radiology is an essential service and will continue to operate under alert level 2. As an essential health service, our full range of diagnostic and treatment services will continue to be available.

Elements of our COVID-safe framework have remained in place under alert level 1. We will maintain some actions to maintain safety for our patients and team members under alert level 2. These actions include:

  • Re-introducing our patient screening questionnaire
  • Continuing our basics around hand-hygiene, respiratory hygiene and surface decontamination
  • Physical distancing
  • Longer appointment times
  • We allow one (1) visitor/support person to maintain physical distancing
  • Use of digital and online tools to support our patients’ experience
  • A strong recommendation for all our patients to wear their own masks to their appointment

All our branches are open to serve you. If you have any questions about your scan or procedure, please get in touch with us. Your safety and experience have always been our priority.

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