A consultation with a breast surgeon may lead to a pathway to the following surgical procedures;


A breast cancer or abnormal diagnosis can be unnerving and daunting. Many patients are frightened of what lies ahead and what sort of surgery they’ll face. However, it’s important to remember no one journeys alone. We ensure all our patients receive the support and guidance they need from diagnosis and surgery through to post-operative care and long term follow-up.

Breast surgery is usually the first step in the treatment of early breast cancer.

Additional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are sometimes used to decrease the risk of recurrence. Occasionally chemotherapy is used before surgery.

The aims of surgery include:

  • Remove the tumour with a margin of normal breast tissue preventing recurrence
  • Allow testing of the tumour to guide any additional treatment
  • To achieve a high-level cosmetic result and ensure the patient’s wellbeing

Our surgical procedures

There is no one-treatment-fits-all when it comes to breast surgery. Depending on the size and location of your tumour, our specialists may recommend:

Partial Mastectomy (Lumpectomy)


Mastectomy with Reconstruction

In some cases there may be multiple options that are suitable and women can choose the option that they prefer.

Sentinel Node Procedure

Breast cancer surgery includes checking the lymph nodes that sit in the armpit. If there is no evidence of spread to nodes at diagnosis then you will have a Sentinel Node Procedure at the same time as your breast surgery. If nodes are involved then you will require axillary node surgery.